What’s New

Latest additions to the web site are at the top of the table

Community Score Cards Africa Cases – click HERE
VIDEO – The Tanzanian Advocacy Partnership Program (TAPP) was designed to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to articulate and represent public interests to the government of Tanzania on selected health, environment, and private-sector policy issues, while fostering an enabling environment for CSO-government partnerships.(The videos feature Hakikazi Catalyst – click HERE)
Emmanuel Sule (Dec 2008) Wildlife-Based Revenue Transparency Performance in Longido and Simanjiro Districts; for Hakikazi Catalyst – click HERE
A twelve page report on public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS),
FUATILIA PESA Newsletter Issue 1 – click HERE
Emmanuel Kallonga – DEMOCRATIC POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION: Encouraging Participation Through Policy Dialogue/Discussion [Hakikazi Catalyst]. Now available through docstoc and also from this website … more
The role and rise of civil society – a Hakikazi paper now available through docstoc. Also available from this website … more
Following the money: do Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys matter?
Geir Sundet. U4 ISSUE 2008:8 … more
The cartoonist Nathan Mpangala has worked a lot with Hakikazi. He is now publishing to a blog at http://nathankatuni.wordpress.com/ . Visit and have your thoughts provoked!
The Plain Language Guide to the MKUKUTA Annual Implementation Report (MAIR) and also seven associated leaflets are now are available for download in both English and Kiswahili.
Click HERE
FOLLOW THE MONEY: A Resource Book for Trainers on Public Expenditure Tracking in TanzaniaUpdated versions in English and Kiswahili – click HERE
MKUZA – a plain language guide – July 2007 , English and Kiswahili versions for downloading.MKUZA – Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na Kupunguza Umasikini Zanzibar =Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty
The Science of Scientific Writing – a classic paper – a bit technical but very illuminating – click HERE
Everybody Wins – an exploration of conflict resolution – A set of 17 one-page handouts to inform discussion – sister site

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